Holly Havens of South Windsor putts on the 18th green at Matterhorn Mini Golf in Canton recently. Richard McKenna of Torrington waits for his turn.
CANTON – Professional golf is coming to Canton in September.
Matterhorn Miniature Golf on Route 44 in Canton will be hosting the International Pro-Am miniature golf tournament on Saturday, September 23 for professional and amateur golfers.
The professional golfers will play five rounds at the 18-hole course with the amateurs playing three rounds.
“We’re thrilled,” said Autumn Sutherland, owner of Matterhorn, which is now in its third season on Dyer Cemetery Road. “We’ve already had a professional from Long Island register. We’ve had excellent response and interest. I always thought a tournament here would be a good idea.”
Cost is $50 for the professionals to play. After August 23, the fee rises to $65. The fee for the amateur division is $25. The winner of the tournament wins $500. The tournament will be held rain or shine.
Even though the course opened in 2015, Sutherland waited to hold the tournament. “I wanted to makes sure that the holes played true,” she said. “The ball has to go where it is supposed to go (by design). It had to be ready.”
There is free practice for the participants on Friday, Sept. 22.
Golfing will begin at 9 a.m. with the amateurs expected to be complete shortly after noon. The professionals will play into the afternoon with the award ceremony expected around 4 p.m.
Harwinton’s Mark Fallon was at Matterhorn recently playing the course in anticipation of the tournament with his two daughters. He signed up for the professional division.
“I’ve been playing golf my whole life,” he said. “I was a scratch golfer.” Several surgeries to repair his ailing back have kept him off the golf course. But, he can still put and play miniature golf.
“I like the course and I like the fact I can come practice on it,” he said.
For more information about the tournament, go to http://www.matterhornminigolf.com or email the course at [email protected]
Gerry deSimas, Jr., is the editor and founder of The Collinsville Press. He is an award-winning writer and has been covering sports in Connecticut and New England for more than 30 years.

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