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Information on how you can help support the Newtown community

NEWTOWN, Dec. 19 — The great support shown to the Newtown community within the last few days has been nothing short of remarkable.  Numerous funds have been set up, music and art shows are being organized, t-shirts have been designed, and boatloads of stuffed animals have been donated.

Here are some ways for you to help Sandy Hook. There are also a few resources for helping yourself in this time of grief and uncertainty. More information is available from the The website, who was gracious enough to share this information with us.


The Better Business Bureau is encouraging people to do their research before giving to charities. “BBB recommends donors avoid giving to charities or funds through unsolicited phone calls, emails, texts or social media appeals. You may contribute to victims’ family funds through:

Sandy Hook School Support Fund
c/o Newtown Savings Banks
39 Main Street
Newtown, CT 06470


Connecticut Memorial Service
Friday, December 21, 9:30 a.m.
Gov. Dannel Malloy has requested a moment of silence in Connecticut at this time.  He is also requesting that any houses of worship and government that have the capability to ring bells 26 times to honor the loss of life in Newtown.  Malloy has also sent a letter to every governor in the U.S. asking them and their citizens to join Connecticut in this moment of silence.

Yoga for Healing
Yoga Culture of Danbury has released an online class of “yoga and meditation to send good energy into the world in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy”.  The sequence is simple and includes poses and movement for grief, confusion, surrender, and acceptance, followed by a meditation.

Crisis Intervention Line
United Way of Connecticut is available 24 hours a day with its 211 crisis intervention line.  If you or someone you know needs assistance, dial 2-1-1 to reach call specialists trained in handling crisis situations.

26 Acts of Kindness
Ann Curry of NBC News launched this idea, which quickly spread to Twitter and Facebook:

“After the experience in Newtown. I thought, “What if? Imagine if everyone could commit to doing one act of kindness for every one of those children killed in Newtown.” So that’s what I tweeted. And guess what? People committed.

“I said in my tweet, “I’m in. RT if you’re in.” Not only did they commit to 20 acts of kindness, they wanted to up it to 26 acts of kindness for every child and adult who was lost at the school. Some even debated maybe we should include the mother, who died, at 27 acts. Some debated maybe we should include the killer as well as he was struggling and in pain.  I think it’s up to you. Commit to how many acts of kindness you want to. It’s really your choice.”


Snowflakes for Sandy Hook
“Please help the students of Sandy Hook have a winter wonderland at their new school! Get creative!! No two snowflakes are alike. Make and send snowflakes to Connecticut PTSA, 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103, Hamden, CT, 06514 by January 12, 2013.”


Newtown Memorial Fund
This fund, established the day of the tragedy, will be utilized in three parts. From fund founder and Newtown resident Brian Mauriello:

Short term: To provide financial relief for funeral expenses of those who perished in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre of December 14, 2012. We are hearing now after day 3 that some or all of the funeral expenses are being covered by many donors. If this is true and our assistance is not needed for these expenses, we know there are other immediate expenses for police duty overtime, and other community financial needs that arise.
Mid term: To assist the town with the design, placement and funding to donate a suitable lasting memorial(s) for our community in tribute to those we lost.
Ongoing: To provide an annual scholarship fund to students of the Newtown Public Schools who will be going on to college. A full criteria will be developed and voted on by the board. Administration of this task will be the ongoing legacy of the memorial fund, hopefully for generations to come.

My Sandy Hook Family Fund
Feeling the overwhelming need to take action to help their friends and neighbors, a group of Newtown parents has formed the “My Sandy Hook Family Fund.”

This group is made up of the parents of the children who survived. They are the classmates, friends, coaches, and neighbors of the victims of Friday’s massacre. The goal of this Family Fund is to provide immediate and continuing support to the 26 families who lost children and family members in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. All net proceeds donated will go to support the victims’ families. Over $30,000 has been raised since the site launched on Saturday afternoon.

Angels of Sandy Hook
This group of Newtown High alumni started off as “Santas for Sandy Hook” this past weekend and collected over $20,000 on the sidewalks of Sandy Hook. Due to the overwhelming amount of donations, Santas for Sandy Hook is now benefiting their new non-profit organization, Angels for Sandy Hook Elementary.  All proceeds will go towards the families of those who lost and a future scholarship fund.
Watch the group’s CNN

Donate online at
Or send a check made out to Angels of Sandy Hook Elementary to
Angels of Sandy Hook Elementary
P.O. Box 3234
Newtown, Ct 0647

Letters for the Sandy Hook Families
The U.S. Postal service has set up a special P.O. box for people who want to send notes or letters to the families, first responders and residents of the Newtown who were affected by the recent school shooting tragedy. The Newtown post office has been flooded with phone calls from people asking how to send a note or condolence card or even to send pictures that their children have drawn. Without specific names and addresses, many wanted to know where they could send these things. In response, the USPS has set up a special post office box dedicated to just that.
You can send your cards and letters to:

P.O. Box 3700, Newtown, CT 06470.


Newtown Pride
A group of Newtown High alumni have created an “I <3 Newtown” t-shirt.  All proceeds from shirt sales will go to the Sandy Hook Parent Teacher Association.

Sandy Hook Love
Sandy Hook Elementary Alumni have also created a t-shirt: “The front of the shirt is a recreation of an old Sandy Hook design. The back has a heart with the school’s initials and a small footprint (the footprint represents the Jolly Green Giant, one of the school’s mascots). Anyone who wishes to show their love for SHS is welcome to order. Shirts are
Mens: organic True fit tee in eco green S-XXL
Ladies: organic boyfriend tee in eco green S-XXL
Youth: basic tee in green apple S-L

To get a shirt, please email [email protected] or message this page with your name, the sizes/ quantity that you would like, and whether you can pick up the shirt in Newtown or need it shipped (include address). Then go to to make your donation. We are asking for a $10 donation per shirt. We will contact those who require shipping with case-by-case shipping costs. After the t-shirt production cost all remaining proceeds will go to The Sandy Hook School Support Fund.”


Concert for Newtown
Thursday, December 20, 8:15 p.m.
Neighborhood Music School, 100 Audobon Street, New Haven CT

Dr. Caterwaul’s Cadre of Clairvoyant Claptraps
The Fiddleheads
Goodnight Blue Moon
José Oyola
Neighborhood Folks
New Haven Chamber Klezmer Ensemble
Shawn Persinger is Prester John
The Sophistimacationers

The suggested donation is $10 or up. All donations will go directly to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund.

Facebook invitation:

Fundraiser to Support the Sandy Hook Families and Community
Saturday, December 29, 2 p.m.
Partners Cafe & Pizza, 1 1/2 Cove Ave, Norwalk CT

We are hosting a benefit event to raise money for the United Way’s Sandy Hook School Support Fund. Please join us for this important event. We’re asking for a $20 donation at the door. There will be live music, food, silent auction, etc. For further information on the fund, please visit Please pass this invite on to your friends.”
Facebook invitation:

Hope for Sandy Hook
Thursday, January 3, 2013, 7 p.m.
Woodwinds, 29 School Ground Road, Branford, CT
A benefit dinner to raise money for the families who were affected by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. All proceeds will be sent to Newtown Youth and Family Services to help the families cover the cost of grief counseling. Tickets must be purchased ahead of time:

Strides for Sandy Hook 5K
January 19, 2013, 9 a.m.
Newtown, CT
On January 19, 2013, join us for the first Strides for Sandy Hook 5K. This event will be a fundraiser in which proceeds will be fund for a memorial dedicated to the victims of last week’s tragedy. Registration site is being organized, but continue to check for updates for when the link goes live! Pre-race registration will be $25, day-of registration will be $35. 

Our Town
Friday, February 1, 5 p.m.
Eclipse Cafe, 40 Elm Street, Danbury CT
TallMIDGET co-owners Jass Bianchi & MAP, Connecticut natives, are going to be hosting an all ages eclectic music charity event for the town of Newtown. We want to bring together families and provide support in a time of tragedy. Jass Bianchi, a Sandy Hook Elementary graduate herself, will be accepting music submissions for artists willing to perform at the charity.”
For more information and to become involved as a musician or vendor, visit



Gerry deSimas, Jr., is the editor and founder of The Collinsville Press. He is an award-winning writer and has been covering sports in Connecticut and New England for more than 40 years. He was inducted into the New England High School Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2018.

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