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Council receives cost estimates for proposed Thompson Brook complex

The site of the proposed Thompson Brook Road athletic complex.

The site of the proposed Thompson Brook Road athletic complex.

AVON – Progress continues to be made on a proposed athletic complex that could be built on a 15.25-acre parcel on Thompson Brook Road at the site of the former M.H. Rhodes Company, adjacent to the bike trail.

Earlier this week, the Town Council heard a report from the Glastonbury-based BSC Group, an architectural firm that has been working with a Recreation and Park subcommittee to come up with a design for the athletic complex that the Council could consider.

The architect presented two recommended designs and the estimated cost for each design.

The cost of the base project, which includes a multi-use synthetic turf field, a second natural grass field, bleachers that could seat up to 1,000 fans, a home and visitor locker room, public restrooms and a press box is estimated to cost a little over $5 million. There would be parking for 250 vehicles.

An alternative project that would a second synthetic turf field, a playscape and lighting to potential overflow parking at nearby Thompson Brook School would cost a little over $6 million. The complex could be used by Avon High’s football, soccer, lacrosse and field hockey teams along with various youth sports organizations. 

An estimated 30 residents attended the meeting. Some residents supported the proposals while others questioned it. 

Town Manager Brandon Robertson is working on information for the Council to consider at its next regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 4, concerning options for paying for the athletic complex. Along with this proposal, the town does anticipate other significant projects in the coming years that will require bonding, including a proposal for a new fire house and upgrades to the Fisher Meadow athletic fields. 

The Hartford Courant reported that Town Council Chairman Mark Zacchio said private fundraising will play an important role in the project. 

Robertson has also asked the town Planning and Zoning Commission to address two issues in the coming months. 

He asked them to change the language in the town’s Conversation and Development plan regarding this parcel on Thompson Brook Road, recommending that the land be zoned recreational open space. The plan currently recommends that the parcel be zoned residential because when the plan was drawn up about a decade ago, there was interest in building a school on the property. 

Robertson also asked the Planning and Zoning Commission to change the use of the land from its current industrial use to recreational open space. 

An eight lane track and field facility was included in an earlier design but dropped because there wasn’t enough space on the 15-acre parcel. The Recreation and Park subcommittee considered 12 potential designs.

Last February, the Town Council unanimously voted to appropriate $40,000 for the architect to draw up plans. Plans for the proposed park picked up steam in the fall of 2013 when the Avon Student Athletic Park Steering Committee met with 70 people attending one informational session.

Granby opened a new athletic complex at its high school in September 2013 with a new synthetic turf field surrounded by an eight-lane track. There is also an adjacent synthetic turf practice field. Canton constructed and opened a new synthetic turf facility with an eight-lane track a year ago as part of a reconfiguration of its parking lot at the high school.

Farmington replaced its football field this past summer with a new synthetic turf field. Simsbury upgraded its synthetic turf field and refurbished its track this summer. They installed its turf field in 2005.

Learn more from the Avon Student Athlete Park website.

Gerry deSimas, Jr., is the editor and founder of The Collinsville Press. He is an award-winning writer and has been covering sports in Connecticut and New England for more than 40 years. He was inducted into the New England High School Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2018.

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