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Voters make their voices heard in election

Voting logoIn Canton and Avon, over 63 percent of registered voters made their voices heard on Tuesday on Election Day. Results weren’t available to be printed in the Hartford Courant on Wednesday morning, so we’re providing a quick glimpse of how residents voted. Results are from the Secretary of State’s website. In Canton, 63 percent of eligible voters participated while in Avon it was 67 percent. The overall winners are highlighted in dark blue.

Governor                                             Avon             Canton
Thomas Foley (Republican)                 3,820             2,534
Dannel Malloy (Democrat)                 3,286             1,823
Joseph Visconti (petitioning)                     48                    0

U.S. Representative, 5th District      Avon             Canton
Mark Greenberg (Republican)             4,188             2,098
Elizabeth Esty (Democrat)                 3,722             2,178
John Pistone (petitioning)                         54                    0

Connecticut Senate, 8th District      Avon             Canton
Kevin Witkos (Republican)               5,032             2,862
Melissa Osbourne (Democrat)             2,871             1,537

Connecticut House of Representatives, 17th District
                                                            Avon             Canton
Timothy LeGeyt (Republican)          4,120             3,404

Connecticut House of Representatives, 19th District
Mark Zydanowicz (Republican)         1,067
Brian Becker (Democrat)                 1,019

Connecticut Treasurer                    Avon             Canton
Timothy M. Herbst (Republican)        4,948             2,537
Denise Nappier (Democrat)             2,898             1,712

Connecticut Secretary of State      Avon             Canton
Peter Lumaj (Republican)                  4,507             2,343
Denise Merrill (Democrat)                3,244            1,810
Michael Derosa (Green Party)              112                   0

Connecticut Comptroller                 Avon             Canton
Sharon McLaughlin (Republican)       4,257             2,217
Kevin Lembo (Democrat)                 3,368             1,893
Rolf W. Maurer (Green Party)                  91                   0

Connecticut Attorney General        Avon             Canton
Kie Westby (Republican)                    3,957             1,964
George Jepsen (Democrat)             3,777             2,166
Stephen Fournier (Green Party)            103                   0

Question 1
Shall the Constitution of the state be amended to remove restrictions concerning absentee ballots and to permit a person to vote without appearing at a polling place on the day of an election.
                                                            Avon             Canton
Yes                                                      3,379             1,945
No                                                       3,682             2,293

Proposal to construct town garage
In Canton, a proposal to bond $4.78 million to construct a new public works facility (town garage) at 325 Commerce Drive failed by a vote of 2,515 to 1,806. Read more out that in the Canton Compass.





Gerry deSimas, Jr., is the editor and founder of The Collinsville Press. He is an award-winning writer and has been covering sports in Connecticut and New England for more than 40 years. He was inducted into the New England High School Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2018.

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