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Harvest Fest to be added to Burlington 5K Run and Walk in October

BURLINGTON – The first Whigville Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, October 23, at the Whigville Grange at 153 South Main Street, in conjunction with the seventh annual Burlington 5K Run and Walk. The Harvest Festival will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., while the road race kicks off at 11 a.m., sharp.
Taking place during the height of the fall season and the foliage, there will be fun for the entire family before and after the 3.1 mile road race, such as kids’ games and activities, arts and crafts, a petting zoo, tractors on display, baked goods, local produce, a silent auction, and more.

“After the 5K race came to Whigville last year we realized how much others also love our bucolic section of town and the idea for the harvest fest was planted,” said Patti Smaldone, leader of the Whigville Preservation Group, which is hosting the Harvest Festival. The Whigville Preservation Group is the latest project of the Burlington Land Trust. 
More than 130 runners competed in last year’s road race, many in Halloween costumes. The Burlington 5K Run/Walk is presented by the Burlington Land Trust. Go to the race website for more information or contact email  [email protected].

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