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Thousands enjoy Collinsville HOT festival in downtown Collinsville

Fire dancers perform on the Farmington River Saturday night in Collinsville in the finale for Collinsville HOT.

CANTON, July 15 – Thousands of people from Canton, Avon and across the Connecticut flocked to Collinsville on warm, sunny Saturday to enjoy the third annual Collinsville HOT festival in downtown Collinsville. There was plenty of outstanding music, excellent food, crafts, shopping and fun for all.

We were proud to be one of the sponsors that helped bring this event to you. We snapped a few photos on Saturday. Take a minute to relive the fun. We had a great time. We hope you did, too.

A youngster enjoys the Sit and Spin in the Chill Zone at Saturday’s Collinsville HOT event.

One of the members of the audience Kelly Nigro was kind enough to share a few glimpses of the finale fire show on the Farmington River from his viewing spot in the Flower Bridge on the Farmington Valley Trail.

Anatolia the Fire Goddess.

Collinsville Hot

Posted by Kelly Nigro on Saturday, July 15, 2017


Collinsville Hot

Posted by Kelly Nigro on Saturday, July 15, 2017

Kais and Dolls performed at Collinsville HOT for the third time.

Wilson’s Pub hosted a home run derby competition on River Street.

Dancers perform on the Farmington River at Collinsville HOT on Saturday night.

Gerry deSimas, Jr., is the editor and founder of The Collinsville Press. He is an award-winning writer and has been covering sports in Connecticut and New England for more than 30 years.

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