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Public meeting on turf field proposal at Avon High will be Monday night

Plan for High School DSC_0612

This was one of the proposals presented to the Town Council in June to upgrade the athletic facilities at Avon High, including two new synthetic fields.

A public meeting will be held Monday, Dec. 7, to discuss the proposal for renovations to the athletic complex at Avon High that include the installation of an artificial turf field. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the Avon Senior Center’s Community Room.

Luke McCoy from the architectal firm BSG Group in Glastonbury, which has drawn up plans for the proposed upgrades, will speak at the meeting along with Ruth Checko, director of Avon’s Recreation and Parks and Tim Filon, the interim athletic director for Avon High.

McCoy will be discussing the $3.21 million proposal to install two synthetic turf fields at the high school and rebuild the track. The proposal was endorsed by a subcommittee of the Recreation and Park Committee earlier this year.

This meeting will formally introduce the proposal to the Board of Education and to give the BOE and the public an opportunity to ask questions about the proposal.

The Town Council heard the proposal in June. They took no action on it but directed Town Manager Brandon Robertson to schedule meetings with the Board of Education and the Planning and Zoning Commission to get their feedback on the proposal.

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The proposal includes a new synthetic turf field to replace the current grass football field, a new eight-lane track and field facility, bleachers that would seat 1,000 fans, a press box, a scoreboard and lights. The proposal also includes installing a second synthetic turf field where the current field hockey field is located.

The main bleachers and press box would be in their current location with seating for 250 fans closer to the baseball field. 

The town has been examining proposals for synthetic turf fields for more than two years. 

In November 2014BSC Group provided the town with two proposals for an athletic complex that could be built on a 15.25-acre parcel on Thompson Brook Road at the site of the former M.H. Rhodes Company, adjacent to the bike trail.  

One proposal that included a multi-use synthetic turf field, a second natural grass field, bleachers that could seat up to 1,000 fans, a home and visitor locker room, public restrooms and a press box is estimated to cost a little over $5 million. There would be parking for 250 vehicles. An eight-lane track was included an earlier design but dropped because there wasn’t enough space.  

An alternative project that would a second synthetic turf field, a playscape and lighting to potential overflow parking at nearby Thompson Brook School would cost a little over $6 million. The Recreation and Park subcommittee considered 12 potential designs.  

After receiving the proposals about the Thompson Road project, the Town Council asked the subcommittee to investigate the cost and options of installing a synthetic turf field at the high school.  


  • December 2015: Board of Education hears proposal to upgrade athletic facilities at Avon High
  • June 2015: Town Council hears $3.21 million proposal to upgrade athletic facilities at Avon High by rebuilding tack and installing two synthetic turf fields.
  • April 2015: Subcommittee of the Recreation and Park committee recommend $3.21 million proposal to upgrade athletic facilities at Avon High by rebuilding tack and installing two synthetic turf fields.
  • November 2014: Architect provides town with two proposals for athletic complex on 15.25 acre parcel on Thompson Brook Road at site of former M.H. Rhodes Company, adjacent to the bike trail. Town Council asks for estimates for similar complex at the high school.
  • February 2014: Town Council unanimously votes to spend $40,000 for an architect to draw up plans to build a synthetic turf field and recreation complex on Thompson Brook Road
  • November 2013: Seventy people attend Avon Student Athletic Park Steering Committee meeting

Gerry deSimas, Jr., is the editor and founder of The Collinsville Press. He is an award-winning writer and has been covering sports in Connecticut and New England for more than 30 years.

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